behind the scenes: the life of a Fortune 500 executive

A client of mine recently came to me with this challenge, "I'm doing great at outreach with my network, but there are some executives I haven't reached out to because I don't really know them as well."

There is tons of potential that awaits my client if she does the outreach, and nurtures those relationships, but I think we can all totally empathize with how uncomfortable this can feel.

Maybe you've connected with a really cool VP or C-Suite executive on LinkedIn and you're just not sure how to take the next step. You'd love to help their company -- but should you just wait for them to come to you?

Here's what I told her:

Picture this -- someone has fallen down the subway stairs and needs help badly.

You walk by them, assuming they can stumble home, because they're a CMO of a company you admire...

That makes ZERO sense, correct?

The executive "stumble down the stairs", is they are usually incredibly overwhelmed, have a board breathing down their neck and need to look good at the next quarterly meeting.

They know their team is exhausted and they know that pushing them harder and harder doesn't product greater results.

And we're just walking on by, ignoring them...

Now go do the thing you've been avoiding 😉


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