should I be worried about this?

Hey friend,

This week has been awesome for me—I got to see Stevie Wonder perform last night in Detroit, and he did not disappoint!

He played hit after hit, including one of my favorites—“Don’t You Worry ’Bout a Thing.” In fact, I’m listening to it right now while sipping my (second) morning cup of coffee!

But let’s be real—while Stevie tells us not to worry, most of us still do, especially when it comes to having conversations that move you towards a sale without sounding pushy.

How do we have meaningful conversations that don’t make us come across as pushy or salesy, where clients are Signed, Sealed, Delivered to us?

In my latest episode of Big Deal Energy, I’m dropping a game-changing concept that I like to call the Curiosity Conversation. It’s a framework of three simple but powerful questions that will completely shift how you approach conversations with prospects. CLICK TO LISTEN

These questions will help you:

• Uncover what’s really going on with your prospects

• Build deeper connections, faster

• Make selling feel effortless (without ever sounding salesy)

By focusing on getting curious instead of selling, you’ll build trust naturally—and people want to work with those they trust. The best part? Curiosity Conversations work in all kinds of settings—whether it’s with a potential client, a business partner, or even a new contact at a networking event.

Listen to this episode to get onto Higher Ground and tell me how it goes.

Catch the latest episode of Big Deal Energy here: CLICK TO LISTEN

Giddy up!


P.S. What's your favorite musical artist or song that gets you fired up? Hit reply and let me know!


Hi, I'm Laura Khalil [KUH-lil], and I love helping solo service-providers master value based pricing and sign the biggest deals of their careers. My results speak for themselves.

When you're ready, here's how we can work together:

–> Get Your Foot In The Door with Bigger Clients Workshop: How solo service providers can find B2B clients with budgets between $25,000 and $250,000. Pay what you want - watch now.

–> Single Session Consultation: I am available to review proposals, fix your messaging, teach you my 4 step sales call process, brainstorm how to re-engage prospects who ghost and more. Book a single session to pick my brain.

–> Unlock Unlimited Marketing & Sales Support: By joining Elevate, I act as your fractional Marketing and Sales advisor, designed to get you signing the biggest contracts of your career. Apply now to join the waitlist now and get priority access when the next spot becomes available.

Web version of this email, and some our previous issues, available here.

Big Deal Energy

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