two terrible hamster wheels to get off

I’ve been on two different “business hamster wheels” in my life.

(hamster wheel = always doing stuff, always behind, and never actually getting anywhere)

The first one was the Low Ticket Hamster Wheel.

It was easy to bring in a couple dozen buyers for my workshops or templates. But selling enough low-ticket products to actually pay the bills? Forget it.

I realized I would’ve needed an audience of 100k+ to make the numbers work.

The second one was the High Ticket Hamster Wheel.

When I got a client, it was a big win! But chasing those clients took an insane amount of energy — constantly posting on social media, attending every networking event under the sun, connection calls that went nowhere, and hosting constant free trainings to “prove” my authority.

By the time I signed a new client, I was already burnt out from all the work it took just to land them. And that didn’t even account for the work I had to deliver after the sale.

The Elevate method is what got me off the hamster wheel for good.

Here's how it works:

➡️ We’ve got one high-ticket offer that we focus on, and we use simple, streamlined systems to bring in a steady flow of perfect-fit clients.

➡️ We support those clients with a solid, results-driven process, and we nurture them into long-term, retainer-based relationships.

No exhausting launches. No chasing after low-ticket sales that barely move the needle.

With high-ticket clients, we’ve built a sustainable business that doesn’t require a massive audience, but generates meaningful revenue with fewer clients.

That's it.

If you want to get off the hamster wheel and build a business that helps you be highly profitable and gives you freedom to live the life you want, join me on September 10th for the Get Your Foot In the Door with Bigger Clients Masterclass.

Register here

In just 90 minutes with me you'll learn:

  • How to appeal to bigger orgs, even if you’ve only worked with small businesses
  • Know the right person to speak to in larger orgs and where to find them
  • The top pricing model for bigger consulting contracts
  • Why bigger clients choose to work with consultants over larger firms

I'm only taking up to a dozen participants so I can work directly with you -- if you've wanted some Laura in your life, this is your chance.

Register here

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