didn't see this coming

Hey friend,

Want to make some quantum leaps in your business in just one hour a day?

There are a couple ways.

Here's the first:

About two months ago I started playing pickleball regularly.

I'd dabbled in it for months prior, before deciding to commit to "getting good".

I showed up at the club, playing against a host of men half my age.

It was brutal.

I lost every match I played that night.

But there is little more I love than beating men at their own game... 😆

So I kept showing up and spending about 3 times a week working on my skills.

Every time I'd learn a little something, and make small adjustments.

Today, two months later, I win 90% of my games.

And the guys who loved beating me before, the men who I feared playing against, have become my buddies!

It just took about six hours a week, consistently, to make some huge shifts, in a really short period of time.

There's a second quantum leap, and honestly, it will multiply your success with the one I mention in this email (without needing to make any more time).

I share what it is on this week's episode of Big Deal Energy. It's about 10 minutes long and will tell you what you need to do to multiply your success in a short period of time.

This week's episode of Big Deal Energy --> LISTEN HERE

If you give it a listen, respond back and let me know what you think.

Giddy up!


P.S. I have four more spots available for next week's Big Deal Energy Social. If you identify as a consultant and want to go after bigger clients, come join me! It's totally free and we'll jam on your business --> REGISTER

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